Tuesday, 10 November 2009

New addition to the team, but not yet official

Searching the right one...

Both me and Kevin (known as dok/Harstem) have been working a lot on a better team. A team which include all the requirements to reach far working in a team such as; dedication, motivation and hard working.

We haven't found a lot of people that we would like to add, well we found a couple but they were all taken by various professional organisation, and the ones that were over weren't really of what we were searching for.
What we didn't do was searching more International, well we haven't been searching in that far countries but in our very beloved neighbours called the Belgians.

There are a couple of players that are actually really good.

An old name
As you all know I have been playing together with Nick (CherrYmooN) for quit a long time.

He was actually the guy that brought me to the point were I am now (together with some others, but he was mainly the guy who supported me in the first three months).

The only thing that didn't really worked out were the differences between our personalities, which kind of made us split.

That was also the reason why we weren't calling him on the list as first.

But since we were in DOK with Nick being declined from the team. We saw him actually trying to work hard and get in the team. He was training every day to get better and better, and also his personality started to be more sympethatic in my opinion.

It was not me, but mainly Kevin who saw this happening, and he said that we should give him a chance.

Together with Ruben (Manager of DOK), Kevin and Nick we talked about the idea of giving him a chance, and so that's what we did.

Right now he's in the middle of a trial phase, if you can call it like that... I don't like to call it like that. I just think it's a chance for him and if he keeps on the track; working like this, then he'll probably be the new officially contracted team member, in other words; be part of DOK.wc3

dok/CherrYmooN's comment:
I would like to thank the organisation of DOK, Lars and Kevin for their support. I hope we"ll make a great team.

Best of luck to him
I'd like to wish Nick the best of luck in our team, and hope that he will work hard and stay in the team, and together hopefully reach far.

Welcome dok/CherrYmooN!

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